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Useful Tidbits to Add to Your Website

Add an email link so readers can refer friends to your webcomic.
                                              Like this one ==> Sample button to prompt user to add this webpage to their Favorites or Bookmarks list.

When the reader clicks the email link, an email window opens to let them type in their friend’s email address. The subject line is pre-filled with your message and the message starts off with the title you gave your webpage and it's address. For two examples,  see the email text link and email graphic button at the bottom of this page.

Here is the code:

        <script language="JavaScript">
        function EmailLink(){
        window.location = "mailto:" + "?subject=Words put here appear on the subject line of the email." + "&body=" + top.document.title + "%0D %0Aat %0D %0A" + window.location + "%0D %0A";
        document.write('<input class="select" type="button" value="E-mail this Web-Page address to a friend" onClick = "EmailLink()" ></form>')

On the line that begins window.location replace the part that says “Words put here appear on the subject line of the email” with whatever is appropriate for the subject line of the email (it won’t be in italics, we did that to illustrate what you can easily replace). The weird characters (%0D and %0A) are instructions to the email program to go to a new line before printing the the next part of the email.

To change the message on the button from “E-mail this Web-Page address to a friend” (on the line that begins document.write), change the message in the quotes after the “ style="font-style: italic;">value=

Of, if you would rather have a classy, artistic button, replace the document.write line above with this one:

        document.write('<input class="select" type="image" src="widgets/email_this_webpage.gif" onClick="EmailLink()"></form>')

where “>widgets/upload.gif” is the location of the image on the website.

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Add Social Media links -- Twitter icon FB icon Google+ icon -- so readers can tell others about your webcomic.

Adding links to your page so readers can go to their favorite Social Media site (FaceBook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and tell others about your webcomic is very easy. The sites try to make it as easy as just copy-and-paste. Go to your favorite Web Search Engine and type “button” followed by the name of the site you want. Then select one of the links and follow their instructions on getting a button. And that's it. If you have a bunch of buttons you want to put in, you can set up a simple <table> with one table cell for each button so you can control where they appear  in relation to each other. There is even a company, Add This, that offers a free pre-built, small-space-bar with four of the most popular links (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+) and a “plus button” that displays a bunch more options when the reader puts their mouse over it.

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Personalize your Shortcut Icon -- Flying Chipmunk's favicon.ico -- on Page Tabs, Favorite Menu's, etc. for better branding of your website

You can use shortcut icons to display your logo or some other small graphic on almost all current Browsers' favorites menu, address bar, and page tabs. shortcut icons have no special Web server requirements and are a great way to add brand recognition to your Web site. Some older browsers (pre-Windows IE7) might not support this feature.

A shortcut icon must be square in size, and at least 16 x 16 pixels. Consider creating both a 16 x 16-pixel icon as well as a 32 x 32-pixel icon (and larger, bandwidth permitting), since on high-DPI displays, some browsers may stretch the icon to fit the available space.

To create the icon, use an icon editor (such as IcoFX) and save the icon in the .ico file format. Most Browsers will ignore icons that are not in .ico format, and will instead display the default shortcut icon.

The first method for displaying a Shortcut Icon is to save the icon with the default file name of favicon.ico to the root directory of your domain—for example, www.FlyingChipmunkComicsPress.com/favicon.ico. The first time a user visits your Web page, their browser automatically searches for this file and places the icon in the address bar, next to the links in Bookmark Menus, and on page tabs.

The second method for associating a shortcut icon with your Web page is to add a line of HTML code to the page’s head element. The line of code includes a link tag that specifies the location and name of the icon file. You can include this link tag on a per-page basis. First, save the icon with a file name other than favicon.ico, and then add the following code to the head element of your page:

        <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://www.mydomain.com/myicon.ico"/>
        <title>My Title</title>

You can use either method, or both. However, if you use the second method, whichever icon you point to in the link tagon each page will be displayed instead of the default favicon.ico file at the root of your domain.

And that opens the opportunity to use different Shortcut Icons for different pages in your domain; for example, a special Shortcut Icon for your archives, another for your forums, and perhaps a third for your “store.” Note that when changing the icon from the default favicon.ico to a link tag some Browsers must be forced to flush their cache before they notice the favicon.ico has been changed.

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Make it ridiculously easy for a reader to add your webcomic to their Bookmarks/Favorites Menu

Like everything else in marketing, the easier you make ot for someone to respond the way you want, the more likely they are to do it. Add a button or link to your page that prompts the user to add your page to their Favorites or Bookmarks lists. The following code is an example of one way to do this, with this page as an example here. It looks complicated but the only parts you need to be concerned with are the parts in italic bold

        <a href="javascript:bookmarksite('My Wonderful Webcomic', 'http://www.FlyingChipmunkComicsPress.com')"
        style="cursor: pointer;">
        <img src="widgets/bookmark_this_webcomic.gif" border="0"></a>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function bookmarksite(title,url){
        var msg = "";
        var user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
        var isChrome = (user_agent.indexOf('chrome') !=- 1);
        var isSeaMonkey = (user_agent.indexOf('seamonkey') !=- 1);
        var isFirefox = (user_agent.indexOf('firefox') !=- 1);
        var isMac = (user_agent.indexOf('mac') !=- 1);
        var isOpera = (user_agent.indexOf('opera') !=- 1);
        var isSafari = (user_agent.indexOf('safari') !=- 1);
        var isKonqueror = (user_agent.indexOf('konqueror') !=- 1);
        var isGecko = (user_agent.indexOf('gecko') !=- 1);
        if ((isFirefox || isSeaMonkey || isGecko) && !isChrome) { // Firefox
        window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ""); }
        if(window.opera && window.print){ // Opera
        var elem = document.createElement('a');
        if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)) {
        window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); }
        if (isKonqueror) { msg="Your browser doesn't support this feature.
           Please press Control-B to Bookmark this Webcomic.
"; }
        if (isMac && isSafari) { msg="Your brower doesn't support this feature.
           Please press CMD-D to Bookmark this Webcomic.
"; }
        if (isChrome) { msg="Your browser doesn't support this feature.
           Please press Control-D to Bookmark this Webcomic.
"; }
        if (msg) { alert(msg) ; }

The first two ('My Wonderful Webcomic' and 'http://www.FlyingChipmunkComicsPress.com') are just the name of your webpage and its html address. You can, of course, make these two point to any page in your website and not just the reader’s current page. If you are not sure what the title and location of the page are going to be (such as when pulled from an archive), replace the 'My Wonderful Webcomic' with top.document.title and ' http://www.FlyingChipmunkComicsPress.com' with window.location. Notice that the top.document.title and  window.location tags are NOT enclosed in single-quotes, i.e.: href="javascript:bookmarksite(top.document.title, window.location)"

And then "widgets/bookmark_this_webcomic.gif" is the location of the graphic you want to use on the button:. If you want to use just plain text, replace all of <img  src="widgets/bookmark_this_webcomic.gif" border="0"> with your text.

Finally, the messages at the bottom are for those browsers that do not support this program (about 30% of the browser market). For those browsers it is not possible to use code to automatically pull up the “Add to Bookmarks” control panels. Perhaps someday Google and the rest will listen to their users and let websites prompt for adding to their Bookmark lists. In the meantime, you can alter that text as you see fit.

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Add an RSS or ATOM feed RSS or Atom icon to your website to automatically tell readers when you put up an update.

An RSS or Atom feed is merely a button that allows a reader to automatically receive notification on their home page that you have updated your webcomic. Those links usually use this graphic icon RSS or Atom icon to let readers know that an RSS feed is available. Clicking the icon adds the current Website to the RSS viewer on the reader’s page. The RSS code on the reader’s page periodically checks its list of websites to see which ones have been updated since its last check. When it finds an updated site, it displays the name of the Website, a short description of the new item (in this case, the name or description you’ve given the update-webcomic), and the link to your website in an RSS viewer box on the reader’s home page. Readers can then click the link and get taken to see your new comic. The RSS feed means the reader does not have to periodically check your website themselves to see if you have updated it yet, so if your update is later in the day than normal, the RSS user saves them time and effort. This is most handy when you are not updating on a frequent (daily, triweekly, or biweekly) basis where they can just assume your comic is ready on the set day or a set time on each day.

Unfortunately, deciphering the RSS and Atom online explanations and instructions on how to set it up can be more than a little intimidating, even though the code itself is quite simple. We suggest, instead, that you go to a Webcomic Directory or Aggregation site where you can just list your webcomic address and they will provide all the code for you, you just drop the code into place on your webcomic and they do all the other work. 

If you want to try it for yourself, then the free ListGarden is a good way to start. ListGarden sets up all the files you need to start and maintain and RSS feed. Adding a new webcomic is simply a matter of running the program on your computer, typing in the new information (name of update, description, and date), and telling the program to publish it to your webcomic server. You don't have to do anything else, any browser visiting your webpage should detect the presence of the RSS Feed file in your home directory and automatically notify the reader that an RSS Feed is available. However, just in case, you should either add a small piece of code like this to your webpage to display the RSS icon for the reader to select:

        <a type="application/rss+xml" href="feed.rss"><img
        src="images/syndicated-feed-icon.gif" style="border:0">RSS feed for this Webcomic</a>

Or if you have access to the <head> portion of your webpage, insert this code between the <head> and </head> statements:

        <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
        href="feed.rss" title="RSS feed for My Webcomic">

changing the text RSS feed for My Webcomic to whatever is appropriate for your webcomic and the browser will display the icon at the top of the page for the reader to see and select if they want your feed.

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Standard Text Email Button #1

Graphic Email Button #2

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e-mail me